Unlike the robot is "a machine that is capable of movement controlled by computer", and organic ingredients dba is missing, the cyborg is "an organism dba that had added elements from an external source, for the purposes of improvement and adaptation." (From this article I change the word organism Adam "for simplicity of discussion).
Instead of staying in a simplistic definition of "person combined the mechanical means", we define cyborg as resoundingly technological dba means enabling it to improve / change / represent himself in a different / better. " This definition, in my opinion is more appropriate, makes us cyborgs. We emphasize only through mechanical must not be implanted in the human body. Therefore, is not simply the filling or a heart transplant, but even assembling glasses or a hearing aid, etc., that is quite an external mechanical device that enhances our capabilities dba organic (at least temporarily) to make us cyborgs at the time ...
The benefits of these methods are that they allow a person to overcome the shortage (eg a body organ or visibility), to live a life "more normal" and enjoy improved quality of life. The main disadvantages of these measures combined in the human body were once among other expensive cost, need an expert to install (pacemaker ..), pain combined mechanical component in the human body (a tooth ...), shows unusual problems and adverse physiological and psychological effects.
But the iPhone, makes us cyborgs too easily and without these side effects (presumably he brings other side effects but they deviate from this discussion). Dozens of existing applications on the device for each of us, allow us to improve our navigation and orient myself, to expand the range of knowledge available to us, "remember" better and so much more. All this, without dba surgical intervention, without the need for experts they'll implant body stuff, and even the cost is reasonable in relation dba to benefits.
Speaking of glasses - the glasses of Google waiting around the corner (another year?) Will show us the world of physical reality laminated (Augmented Reality), will indicate dba to the dangers dba that lurk, emphasize relevant information on the physical world and make us all cyborgs high level even anymore.
By the way, our virtual representation makes us cyborgs by definition, for example Facebook meets exactly the definition of "technological means allowing us to change / to represent ourselves." So even Facebook game, and all the human representation the virtual worlds such as Second Life and others. Cyborg is empowered human, dba reinforced, improved .... Human future, the next step B"abolotzih ". Company demonstrates the wisdom to present a holistic and mature technology in this fascinating field, enjoy a huge advantage and unprecedented growth in the coming decade. dba
April 18th, 2013 at 12:19
Incidentally, the Forum's goals are not only to show the article but also take advantage of the forum platform to enrich and deepen the discussion presented from other angles ... I'd love to do it any more use for these purposes that contribute dba to the expansion of knowledge and thought provoking and encouraging among readers.
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