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Die. - 2011-01-14 14:56:36 +0100
Lord God
I have one good friend whose last name is Mladenovic, I think you will not figure out routine. 2011-01-14 15:14:02 +0100
Do you die at his age (and will not leave behind is not such a name not work) and that someone writes about you something like this, I wonder how much would you (or people who cared about you, if any) that were positive or funny. 2011-01-14 15:19:48 +0100
Do you die at his age (and will not leave behind is not such a name not work) and that someone writes about you something like this, I wonder how much would you (or people who cared about you, if any) that were positive or funny
You're not going to fuck. 2011-01-14 15:29:52 +0100
Today I'm in a chair. I wanted to buy the chair, one stočkovima, to ride around the room, but my dad oter'o Goddamn. "I was your age I did not have a chair, sitting alone walk 10 kilometers to school."
French toast, French toast - shouting in a loud voice; French toast, French toast - this is their day; Fried, fried, on light a small fire; From posters and Defka, in order to ridicule the set; Lodge was, lodges, spanish to english translation and fire are falling; And their words to injury Doliva.
Well I'm sorry, but I really do not find anything ridiculous here. I realize that deliberately set, but a sick brother, unnecessarily. At the same time set up and Defka and poster, all on the same subject. I am sick fuck this "humor" 2011-01-14 15:41:09 +0100
Excellent! I start this I use it for tonight! 2011-01-14 16:30:31 +0100
This is my super +++ 2011-01-17 20:02:34 +0100
You who Tolko gotivite Mladenovic and do not give it to anyone mentioned in other contexts other than praise are the same when those horny teenage kids, who are screaming at Justin Bieber and Zdravko Colic. Now what, if most people consider a genius, no one else is allowed to have a different opinion? 2011-06-10 14:08:46 +0200
Tulumbac Today I'm in a chair. I wanted to buy the chair, one stočkovima, to ride around the room, but my dad oter'o Goddamn. "I was your age I did not have a chair, sitting spanish to english translation alone walk 10 kilometers to school."
How simple, yet so brilliant. And you have the drug Mladenovic genes, you worthless minuses, lolo. 2011-11-05 11:56:43 spanish to english translation +0100
and classics chosen bad Defka only because shitting on ekvu to indijjanci isprimali and krenullli to ekaveisu
Al bass once more raises this group heavens? The man was a drug addict, eljudi addict! So what if he makes music for your boob? I do not give me.Dajete that form the name of the square in BG, so are you normal? Momo Kapor and Danko Popovic have market, nor other print and that did not hurt in the vein at the end krajeva.Dajte and market Milos Bojanic, jbg, man won the Farm credited gradjanin.Bolesni Chic BG, burn you should also clean Serbia from you, mrs bre in Cambodia However, there drogirajte and bow to their idols. 2011-11-05 12:22:51 +0100
You're not buddy looks away. In this country, the more it says about what Karleuša stuffing with Dusko, but on sick children who die because their parents do not have to treat. So do not wonder that Mladenovic forgives what is addict. Corrupt the time. People think that the rebellion expressed drugs. As if his mother better than when he died. 2011-11-05 12:26:24 +0100
EKV is crap. Al again listen to their song, Tattoo, because spanish to english translation I like it and I do not care ... I do not know what people see in him so much?!?!?! both texts as it meant something, as the texts are inspired by Droz ?? nobody can understand some texts ... and on the other hand, what if he was a drug addict ?? The great thing 2011-11-05 12:37:01 +0100
This goes to the right in the selected spanish to english translation r fight against drugs, I will call my son Drogan. And then I say, beer Droganeeeee ... When taking drugs, that's a bad man, he curses and can harm the people around you. I think it's not healthy for respiratory spanish to english translation system, and ideas smoke dope and ask someone what you smoke and you can not tell him malboro than drugs. Therefore it is not wrong to smoke cigars is not doing drugs. It should be run, and love to sing !!! 2011-11-05 12:43:32 +0100
Plučšina! Not so much because of the Defka, how about the effect leaves. Milan was smoking dope, do not give a fuck, is neither the first nor the last, especially among musicians. And this paljevinluk the comments, if you Mladenovic pinnacle of musical creativity and spiritual leader, then you deserve to screw around on the internet. 2011-11-05 12:48:44 +0100
A great musician, spanish to english translation but also a great narkomančina. Bad example for generations that lived at that time and that it now obey and worship. Practically, advertisements for poisoning. I listen to his songs with pleasure, but I do not regret it. I did it! 2011-11-05 12:50:00 +0100
3. Example - niđe links! 2011-11-05 12:56:29 +0100 <
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