Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Flipboard is an application that allows you to create a digital magazine to your mobile device with

Latest Release
Test Version: 1.0
Flipboard is an application that allows you to create a digital magazine to your mobile device with including all the main favorite news from major online newspapers from around the world. For Italy, for example, Corriere della Sera, Il Giornale, el norte La Gazzetta dello Sport and many others. In our digital el norte magazine staff will not be imported only texts but also the news media content such as photos and videos.
Flipboard also allows you to import and integrate into the main magazine news blog through the use of RSS feeds. Do not miss also the social aspect. Flipboard allows to import status updates of our friends on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr and many others. The digital personal journal created with Flipboard appears well made and is characterized by great fluidity in moving from one page to another.
Google Play Stand (Newsstand in the English version) is an application developed by Google, available during ...
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