Monday, October 21, 2013

In this paper we present the user studies conducted as a part of an international project EU SEE TV-

Za študente Oglasna deska Študij telekomunikacij Študij multimedijskih komunikacij Diplomske in magistrske naloge Teme razpisanih diplomskih in magistrskih nalog Naloge bpm banking v nastajanju Ekskurzije Vabljena predavanja Priložnosti
Projektna področja Telekomunikacijski sistemi Širokopasovna omrežja IPv6 Omrežja naslednje generacije (NGN) Internet prihodnosti Internet stvari bpm banking E-zdravje Razvoj MM aplikacij na konvergenčnih terminalih E-izobraževanje E-vključenost
Avtorji: Guna Jože, Štern Andrej
Intranet je interno telekomunikacijsko omrežje znotraj organizacije, ki uporablja standardno internetno tehniko, kot so spletni strežniki, TCP/IP in HTML. To je torej zasebni internet, ki uporablja tehniko, programsko opremo, protokole bpm banking ter standarde javnega interneta in se uporablja za iskanje in prikaz dokumentov, za elektronsko pošto ter za skupinsko delo znotraj podjetja. Lahko je povsem izoliran ali pa je prek ustreznih varnostnih mehanizmov povezan s svetovnim internetom.
Slovenia Outreach Programme 4. in 5. 11. 2013
In this paper we present the user studies conducted as a part of an international project EU SEE TV-WEB, funded by the European Union. The project combines the traditional broadcast world with the dynamic web environment while focusing on the aspects of usability and user experience in order to provide the best possible experience for the elderly people, economically weak people and people living bpm banking in rural areas who do not usually use personal computers and who have no Internet connection. The results of the user studies about the media literacy, media use and the target users interest about TV-WEB services, conducted as a part of the project in two different European countries i.e. Austria and Montenegro, are also presented. Additionally, we present the user-centered design process for the service that was conducted as a part of the user study in Slovenia.
In this paper we present the user studies conducted as a part of an international project EU SEE TV-WEB, funded by the European Union. The project bpm banking combines the traditional broadcast world with the dynamic web environment while focusing on the aspects of usability and user experience in order to provide bpm banking the best possible experience for the elderly people, economically weak people and people bpm banking living in rural areas who do not usually use personal computers and who have no Internet connection. The results of the user studies about the media literacy, media use and the target users interest about TV-WEB services, bpm banking conducted as a part of the project in two different European countries i.e. Austria and Montenegro, bpm banking are also presented. Additionally, we present the user-centered bpm banking design process for the service that was conducted as a part of the user study in Slovenia.
© 2013 LTFE

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