Friday, October 11, 2013

- IPhone 5s crashes than any other iPhone cases even twice as many - [focus this week] iOS 7 Tutori

Google Drive is in addition to Google's cloud services, but also the increasingly popular word processing tool. iOS version of Google Drive interface and functionality has lagged behind other editions, and today finally launched version 2.0 innovations. Google Drive 2.0 has a new interface design, with a range of other Google programs for new card style. New design and neat appearance is much more than before, the content easier to read. The file will be saved in the Drive to the thumbnail display, you can select a new lattice viewpoint, or a traditional list view. Search bar on top of the search more convenient. Increased functionality, there are many, can now be a file at the specified URL links added to the clipboard for easy sharing of transmission. team In addition also add horizontal editing mode is especially useful for iPad users. Finally inside the file sharing Drive is also more direct and convenient. Download Google Drive (iOS) Whether you are iPhone / iPad or Android users, we have the most suitable for your information. Our Facebook <iPhone iPad Fan Page> and <Android Fan Page> will be difficult for you to answer as soon as possible and to send you the latest and fastest mobile technology news and information. There official YouTube Channel, team contains a number of teaching and evaluation of film.
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- IPhone 5s crashes than any other iPhone cases even twice as many - [focus this week] iOS 7 Tutorial: team Homemade Parallax tablecloths; recover ". Com" key; 5 biggest mistakes - [focus this week] iPhone 5s / 5c, Future iPhone News - [focus this week] Apple conference date; HTC One Max conference; JB date; Galaxy Round curved screen phone; Samsung ad copy Apple? - [iOS Teaching] back in iOS 7 keyboard handy. " com "button

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