grime kommer = I come
han / hun Spiseri = he / she eats
at Haft = have = to have had
These are just some of the exceptions. (Usually verbs behave as specified dgii in the dictionary form of the imperfect and participle.) Verbs behave as verbs are called strong. Perfect tense
Imperfect forms of verbs have and være (havde forms, dgii ie var) plus the past participle of the verb to conjugate. Havde or lime is used by auxiliary used perfectly composed.
Give at gav = give you = November I gave
at Spille = play spil! = Play (single l) compliance
It is formed by adding the ending-s infinitive verbs at present, imperfect, future, namely the right form of the verb at blive + past participle of the verb to conjugate dgii compound perfect tenses, past perfect, conditional respectively.
6) pluperfect
Perfectly composed: grime grace måttet (I had to)
Present: grime boron (I have)
Subjunctive is not used in modern Danish. Did you like this article? Do you have any questions or suggestions? Leave us a comment below and we will respond as soon as possible.
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