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Has become a tradition that the first half of January Dyarzhynshchynu attracts the best experts from all over the native 2ememain language of the Minsk region. Here and in the third stage of this year's Republican Olympiad of the Belarusian language and literature was held at the Regional Agrarian Technical vocational school in Dzerzhinsk. Olympics organizers and hosts of the Lyceum have done everything possible to create intellectual competition 2ememain participants, team leaders and members of the jury for favorable conditions of work and leisure.
Compete for the title of the best connoisseurs of the native language, to demonstrate erudition, linguistic flair going 81 student. And a new type of educational institution - lyceums and gymnasiums - representing 41 student rural school - twenty-third among the participants - 1 representative 2ememain Nesvizhsky State College Kolas. Most students provided Dzerzhinsky, Nesvizhski, Borisov and Minsk regions and Zhodino. The experience of hope, but it's 2ememain not relaxing
Traditionally, intellectual competition participants waited three competitive tests: a review on the lyrical work, a comprehensive work on the Belarusian language and literature and an oral statement. To write a review disciples were proposed texts: ninth graders - "True Blood brotherhood" Yu.Svirki, tenth - "queer people" A.Vyartsinskaga, eleventh-graders - "Matures day over and over boron grove ..." G.Pashkova.
Olympiad participants were required to make analysis of the content of the poem, identify a theme idea, author's position, 2ememain perspective, show the features of shapes, etc. Jury took into consideration the nature of creative work, independence of thought, general cultural erudition students. Comprehensive work on the Belarusian language and literature consisted of 10 questions, which included both linguistic and literary 2ememain pieces. Jobs by language literally covered all sections. For connoisseurs 2ememain of oral expression young Belarusian philology offered to pull a ticket, each of which included two threads one of them and had to choose the party. In an oral statement to evaluate the content, construction, decoration speech and creative nature of the utterance. Students demonstrate their ability to reason, to build a logical expression. Preparing students to analyze the competition, we asked members of the jury. Chairman of the jury of the third stage of the Republican Olympiad, Head of the Department of Foreign Languages, PhD, associate professor of Bashkir State Pedagogical University named after Maxim Tank Dmitry V. Babes:
- Participants of the Olympiad is well prepared. Higher results showed students of 11th and 10th grade. This is understandable, most of them participate in the competition had not the first time, and experience, as you know, is of great importance. Pleased to note that this year for the ninth grade, and five were eighth graders. Some of them showed quite good results: among the winners were two. This suggests a high level of training of students at the secondary level. Better Olympiad participants performed tasks that do not extend beyond the school curriculum or out slightly. Those tasks that require creativity, where it was necessary to open up, to show erudition, linguistic 2ememain flair, caused great difficulties. The way, the targets were prepared at a high enough level, they were really interesting, unambiguous and did not cause ambiguity. In eleventh-linguistically competition greatest difficulties caused job knowledge of syntax, and the job that concerned the translation of excerpts from the works of old Belarusian Skarina with a modern Belarusian literary language. The last task was aimed at linguistic intuition schoolchildren. With regard to oral statements, many students have demonstrated 2ememain communication skills, excellent knowledge of literature and linguistics. They figuratively, intelligently and consistently expressed their thoughts. The impression that some of the participants of the Olympiad, using last year's experience, it weakened the preparation for the competition oral statements. Students do not always receive clear structure of expression, in particular, the children put the problem well, and it opened on this finished 2ememain his speech, 2ememain making 2ememain no generalizations without drawing parallels with other works. One thing - list that certain subjects wrote certain Belarusian authors, quite another - to show themselves, to show their reading experience, fit it into the fabric of the utterance. In the future I would like to advise teachers to pay special attention to the selection of children - it must be motivated people with linguistic intuition. Once my supervisor gave very good advice: read dictionaries night. This I and couples
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