Thursday, August 14, 2014

How to use the internet ?? Sure, some pages load. But not the ones I need! Loaded this blog to see

How to use the internet ?? Sure, some pages load. But not the ones I need! Loaded this blog to see - it was suddenly online jobs 256 background online jobs colors and hand loaded no more ?! Wtf ?! Used Twitter on this phone more then and I have bookmarked føkkings!?! AND THEN SUDDENLY BEING THE INTERSECTION OF WEB ICON - and I get the sms, then continue to hand load and the icon becomes normal. IT CAN NOT SURF AND GET SMS SAME TIME.
And then there MAIL then. Me and wolf mailer pictures, links and nonsense all day long. Can I emailing from your phone? Gmail works, as far as website. But can not select "upload file" anywhere in WAP version?!?!?! online jobs And so we suddenly had an email thread called "package!", I answered the the he had already sent me, none of us made this ?!
Hmmm inbox there is a feature called "e-mail-box." We try. Enter password and username. Ok. Sign In. "Wrong username and password." online jobs All right. Hmmm what happens IF I still try to send an e-mail via the inbox? Wolf received the ??? Okey ?? "Wrong username and password" when trying again. I did not get into the inbox, but I can SENDING OUT ??? This works apparently by magic, so we let it be !! So I have at least sent him pictures !!!! Wooohoo !!
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