When the 1878 occupied Bosnia and Herzegovina, they came under the administration of both half of the Empire. Tomislav Kraljačić shows the administration of Bosnia as a common donedeal management which are equally represented both halves of the double Empire. Most officials from the Empire, Bosnians, at least, they have the lowest positions, and Kraljačić not explain to their poor education due to residual of the Turkish education system. From clerks from among the South Slavs mostly Croats, and Slovenes, Serbs, at least. Among the other most Germans donedeal and Czechs, Poles, Hungarians and so on. The most important positions were Germans and Hungarians. donedeal [1] Immediately donedeal after the occupation was established in 1878. The Commission for Bosnia donedeal and Herzegovina which issued the document titled Provisorischer Wirkungskreis Commission der für die Angelegenheiten Bosnia's und der Hercegowina. [2] This commission was composed donedeal of delegates from both Ministers President who meet once a week in a joint Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and here and there they met and the extraordinary sessions for consultation. Its members had at all times the right to inspect all files of the Commission. Financial operations led by the Minister of Finance (Reichs-Finazminister), Military Affairs donedeal Minister of War (Reichskriegsminister), therefore jointly minister who was responsible directly to the emperor. Some questions have been entrusted to the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs. In specific issues the Commission has asked for the opinion of experts from the joint ministries and ministries of the two half Empire as appropriate. The sessions of the Commission were held records. The Commission also had the Committee for issues of Bosnia and Herzegovina (Comité für die Angelegenheiten Bosnia's und der Herzegowina presided delegate of the Minister of Foreign Affairs or his deputy. All questions and disagreements have spread to the joint ministerial council that he decide the matter. Business writings forward a are On behalf of the Federal Ministry. He signed by the President of the Committee, or his deputy, and then one of the three common donedeal Ministers. The Commission and the Committee had its officers and servants of the common ministries. The Committee and the Board acted representative of the Minister of Finance (Reichs-Finanzminister) and representative of the Minister of War (Reichs-Kriegsminister). The final accounts of Bosnia and Herzegovina went to the Supreme court of accounting. In the transitional provisions (Übergangsbestimmungen) has not touched the position of supreme commander of the provincial donedeal government while he was commander of the army of occupation, and it was initially domaršal Joseph Baron Filipovic von Philippsberg; that is normally served in Prague, which is in the file does not mention. He sent a joint ministry proposals on the administrative division of the country and organized by the provincial government. Management took care of the return of refugees and the cost of the occupation.
For the first time retained the existing authorities and courts in the country, and also their staff. donedeal They ruled predokupacijski disciplinary procedures, and the country remained in force the previous laws and norms until new. Supreme commander of the provincial government should have to apply to structure a special supreme court and judicial college, based in Sarajevo. Supreme commander had the right of pardon. Approvals and concessions have been subject donedeal to the approval of the Federal Ministry. He was an old tax system, but without abuse, donedeal and these are the Turkish authorities were frequent, and indeed common. donedeal
It was a massive pyramid of government in which the top of the central government, but they and many others had their share in the government. We'll take a Croatian share of which is composed Ordinance containing orders and regulations referring to the internal operations of the Croatian-Slavonian donedeal ministries and issued by first siečnja 1869 till December 1882, that is to say until the arrival of Benjamin Kallay to power . These Regulations determine the BERIVA, therefore receiving mobilized officials in Bosnia and Herzegovina, then soldiers, donedeal county clerks and servers, then a temporary regulation on salaries of officials of the Croats in Bosnia, their permits, all of which will pay off the Bosnian-Herzegovinian Provincial Government. Correspondence joint ministries with Croatian-Slavonian land offices were solely in the Croatian language. About the appointment of church dignitaries had to always inform the financial directorate donedeal in Zagreb, and also dignitaries Greco-outlet church. It is interesting that the letters were sent to the Italian government in Latin with translations into Italian. If a Croatian officer in Bosnia and Herzegovina gained nobility, noble diplomas should be issued in the Croatian language. Submissions provincial government supreme place. that is to say Dvor were sent to the Croatian, but with German translation. The linguistic situation of multi-lingual Empire was not easy, the term office hours language for the whole Empire was not known, but the language question, as in this case, dealt with ad hoc, as here, a German had a role that in the world today has nearly the English - was
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