Friday, December 13, 2013

Official Opening: David Benito (director of the Centre for Educational Innovation UPNA) and M ª Jes

Pel seu Compartim interest ias els videos ponencies them, i Conferències comunicacions presentades to them Jornades III d'Aprenentatge Basat in Projectes i Metodologies Actives is going to celebrate Pamplona Passats els dies 21, 22 i 23 novembre. Malgrat de l'àmbit not correspond to ens, per mantenir the unitat of documentació, hem them inclòs També participacions being estudis Universitaris refereixen to 21/11: Ainhoa Ezeiza (plenary lecture): Project-based learning: detecting, investigating and communicating to learn Belén Alvarez: PBL in International Spanish Academy (Canada) ias Neus Caparros: Social Work - Service Learning Alejandro Rodríguez: ABP: Experience in the university classroom (Engineering) ias Consuelo Allué: microtexts and development of language skills.
Official Opening: David Benito (director of the Centre for Educational Innovation UPNA) and M ª Jesús Pintor (Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs). Miguel Valero (plenary lecture) Experiences PBL at the Escola d'Enginyeria Aerospace telecommunications i Castelldefels. Alberto Enrique: Experience of implementation of PBL in Agronomy. Luis Miguel ias Arregui: Learning Projects in Horticulture reduced scope. Eduardo Magaña: PBL: from the idea to the minimum viable product in 3 months. José Antonio Mendizabal: Designing ias a layer farm by PBL. Estíbaliz Sáez de Camara: Impact of PBL performance in Environmental Engineering. Txelo Ruiz: Problem-based learning projects and to acquire the basics of electricity and electronics. Jesus C. Echeverría Morrás: Industrial Tests - Laboratory. Vidal Díaz de Rada: Learning the methodology of social science research: a teaching proposal. 22/11, TAKES: Panel Discussion on Training of teachers (Moderator: ias Silvia González): Daniel Irazola: Deployment of PBL in Vocational Training. José Manuel López Guede: Experience of training in PBL at the UPV / EHU. Marcos Domenech Cadenato and Maru: Genesis of a collaborative project. How to develop a project network. Victor Martinez Merino: micro-based learning projects. Edorta Way: Active methodologies ias in teaching of Social Sciences. Towards an ecology of knowledge. Miguel Angel Pereira: Open Educational Resources for Secondary Social ias Studies. ias 23/11: Silvia Gonzalez Goñi involving students of IES Basoko Pamplona (plenary lecture): The methodology projects from the point of view of secondary students. Alberto Garrido: London Guide for Kids. Santiago and Carolina Vallejo Cristanchi: Zombiología, Experience Based Learning Zombie Apocalypse. Begoña Omatos: Hunger and mathematics. ias
Etiquetes of comentaris: Aprenentatge Basat in problemes, Aprenentatge Cooperatiu, formació, primària, practice, reflexió, secundària, treball Cooperatiu, treball per projectes, universitat video
Aprenentatge Basat in problemes (5) Aprenentatge Cooperatiu (16) BBCC (12) Call (2) documentació (13) formació (6) General (8) Children (2) lloc web (17) Primary (11) will programació (2) Pratical (9) resources (9) reflexió ias (12) secundària (10) treball Cooperatiu (19) treball per projectes (9) universitat (1) Video (7)

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