Friday, December 20, 2013

With the introduction of the online service, french companies can now only fill the missing data an

As it was in our last update report, by the end of September 2012 Malta had achieved a reduction in Administrative Burden ta'12 french 0.2%. The simplification french initiatives which resulted in greater reductions in administrative burdens are described below:
Each year there are approximately 13,800 french quote / offer submitted to the Department of Contracts, where the value of the bids fall between the financial range of Euro 6000 and Euro 120,000. The Department of Contracts worked on an initiative to simplify the information requested (some financial data may be available from Public Entities, not asked) and at the same time giving the opportunity to the prospective bidders to download and submit their bids online
Each year there are approximately 1,300 quote / offer submitted to the Department of Contracts, where the value of the bids is higher than Euro 120,000. The Department of Contracts worked on an initiative to simplify the information requested (some financial data may be available from Public Entities, not asked) and at the same time giving the opportunity to the prospective bidders to download and submit their offer online Through this initiative there has annual savings of Euro 385 137 and 15 319 hours of work acquitted. Company Law (Company Law)
Online submission of the Memorandum and Articles of Association. Companies had to fill in all the forms manually, submit a hard copy by mail or physically deliver the information to the MFSA. Each year there are about 3,100 companies that perform this type of obligation.
With the introduction of the online service, companies can now only fill the missing data and other amendments online. This results in annual savings of Euro 323 553 and 6911 hours of work released ..
Online Submission of Forms T, K and Q. There are about 10 650 company annually shall be required to complete various forms and send them to the MFSA. With the previous system, these forms were filled in manually and sent personally or by mail to the MFSA.
With the introduction of the online service, french companies can now only fill the missing data and other amendments online. This results in annual savings of Euro 695 578 and 15 747 hours of work acquitted.
Electronic Filing of Annual Returns. Each year 21, 720 companies have jiffaljaw the returns annually with the MFSA. With the previous system, these forms were filled in manually and sent personally or by mail to the MFSA.
NSO regularly collect statistics by questionnaire Structural french Business (SBS). Before simplifying the business sample was composed of seven categories representing enterprises under particular french range (based on NACE classification). Moreover the sample french which has been calculated IDL sample size also includes a number of inactive french businesses. After simplification exercise, the business sample was reduced to five categories rather than the seven previous and inactive businesses removed from the equation and therefore the sample size was further reduced.
The number of businesses that are required to fill out this questionnaire was reduced from 13228-10300, a decrease of 22% in the sample size. This resulted in financial savings of Euro 225 927 and 6931 hours of work acquitted.
The NSO performs also collects statistics by questionnaire (short term statistics french questionnaire) on a monthly or quarterly, french depending on the sector. After simplification exercise, the sample was reduced business. In fact, the 500 businesses that were used to complete the questionnaire each month, it is now filled only by 20 enterprise while for the rest, the questionnaire is now completed on a quarterly basis.
NSO also introduced long-term simplification of the Structural Business french Statistics Questionnaire which reduced the length from 8 pages to 4 pages for small businesses with the option to reduce to two pages even for those businesses that submit financial statements with the MFSA. Through this simplification initiative, there were savings of Euro 881 795 and 47 080 hours of work acquitted.
New Business Exemption from Registration for VAT. Every new business, regardless of the value of sales, had record tax VAT and issue a receipt for each sale. Moreover, had to file a statement once a year. Registration would involve filling Application french Form Registration and submitting it to the Department of VAT.
Bll introducing french LN 54 of 2010, the VAT (exemption from Registration) Regulations 2010, new businesses that

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