Tuesday, December 10, 2013

problem-based learning (5) cooperative learning (16) CCBB (12) announcement (2) documentation (13)

On Wednesday the 13th was held in CRP of Tarragona, the first session of Seminars Training Equipment Center in Basic Skills. These seminars reverso are intended as a forum for the dissemination and reflection on the development of basic skills and provide tools and resources to facilitate the subsequent discussion in the cloisters, to encourage reverso the introduction of a look at the competence center projects and methodological practices in the classroom.
In Tarragona begun two seminars, one addressed to the participating primary ESC Cucurull The Roda de Bera, ESC Nin Joseph Solomon ESC Codinets of The New Gaia, ESC Les Eres Creixell and ESC Montoliu Riera de Gaia and another between level with the participation of the INS Ramon de la Torre Torredembarra reverso ESC Father Ramon Bergadà of Constantine, the ESC NW Vilaseca and the ESC La Plana de Vila-seca. reverso
Seminars meantime (until February the sessions and then sessions with participants from each school cloisters), reverso we will hang on the blog several materials that could be useful for participants.
Let's start with some links derived from Department itself through the portal Xtec: submenu devoted to basic skills, there you can find the documents for the identification and development of core competencies associated with the subjects in the curriculum to education primary and secondary education (digital domain, language and math), guidance documents, access to the network of centers working in CCBB, gathering ARC (Application of curriculum resources), with application examples in the classroom experiences, ideas and literature.
problem-based learning (5) cooperative learning (16) CCBB (12) announcement (2) documentation (13) Training (6) General (8) children (2) website (17) primary (11) programming (2) practice (9) Resources (9) Reflection (12) secondary (10) cooperative (19) project work (9) University (1) Video (7)

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