Tuesday, March 17, 2015

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Free online translation texts + words (Dutch-English) Today we speak different languages, so there are websites in other languages, for example, in Dutch. To understand the website you have such a machine translation needed who can translate an entire web page, for example:. English - Dutch. On the Internet there are many free translators. Some free translators include Babelfish and Google Translate. Google Translate, Dale Fish and Word Lingo can translate texts or words into many languages. Texts translated by a free translation machine or by a person? Many Internet translation engines make mistakes because they often translate word for word in the translation of a text. Because translation tools translate the text word by word the syntax is correct often not true for your translated text. It may be that you understand the text, but the text word in spelling and sentence structure are not translated properly. An advantage of an internet translation engine is that it's free and easy to use, but a disadvantage mypay is that such translators mypay each word literally translating and thereby not pay attention to sentence structure. If you need to translate a text for business use, it is useful to turn a translator for this, it does cost money, but then you have, after all, a good translation with a good sentence mypay structure. Google Translate Besides the well-known Internet search engine Google, Google has also designed a machine translation. This translator can translate websites as well as texts and words in many languages. also English mypay - Dutch example translate Google Translate. With these machine translation, it is also possible to search for words, it is so well as a dictionary. In addition to this feature, mypay the Google Translate mypay has a useful feature, namely Google can translate terms into other languages. If you have selected the correct language gives Google mypay two rows of search results. One row displays the search results in your own language and in the other column shows the results of the language. Google Translate can also be used by Dutch, since Google Translate supports the Dutch language. As the Google mypay Internet search engine itself, this translator is also fast in his work. Benefits of Google Translate Entire web pages can translate Google Translate Contains a dictionary mypay to translate single words Altavista Babelfish Babbel Fish is a free translation engine AltaVista. Babelfish is very easy to use. At Babbel Fish have many choice language to translate to, such as: English Spanish German Greek Dutch Russian Babbel Fish can translate mypay entire web pages into various languages. A disadvantage is that after Babelfish translation no good structural sentences arise because Dale Fish do grammar during translation. It is on Babbel Fish unwise to translate large chunks of text, namely Dale Fish does not apply to grammar. The word order can therefore be different after the translation. mypay Benefits of Babbel Fish Can translate one word can translate entire web pages Word Word Lingo Lingo is a good machine translation. What strikes right away and thus is a disadvantage, that appear in the free version of Word Lingo advertisements, mypay but when you take the paid version is this way. Word Lingo can also be used to translate entire websites, this is especially mypay useful if you look at foreign websites. Become Lingo contains a large vocabulary, but occurs during the translation nor to grammar. mypay Translating large pieces of text is also here so inadvisable, since there is a chance that a different sentence structure arises Benefits Word Lingo Large vocabulary Translated complete websites
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Debster (information officer) 06-01-2010 09:32 # 1 What I can get here not really clear from the text, or Google mypay Translate indeed lots of text translated correctly, so also in terms of grammar and sentence structure. Greeting, Debster Response information officer, 06-01-2010 Google Translate translates through another technique method than other translation engines. The output of the block of text is therefore better when you translated it Babbel Fish. A piece of text quoted from FAQ Google Translate. '' Our system takes a different approach: we feed the computer billions of words of text, both monolingual text in the target language as aligned texts translated by humans. We then apply statistical learning techniques to create a translation model. The evaluation of this research has yielded very good results'
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