Sunday, March 29, 2015

Defines that the data maintained in the Kanza that involve Agriculture, autolanka Fisheries, Commer

Welcome to the United Republic of Tanzania Government Official Blog. This is yet another avenue for the general public to interact and be informed about Government Activities as issued by the Tanzania Information Services Department autolanka (Information) of the Ministry of Information, Youth, Culture autolanka and Sports.Karibuni Sana
Head of the Department of Administration and Human Resources of the National Bureau of Statistics, Mr. Gabriel Madembwe, on behalf of the Director-General opening Stakeholders workshop promotion of agricultural statistics available through the official Kanza agricultural autolanka statistics available at the address of the National Bureau of Statistics of today in Dar es Salaam.
The representative of the World Food Programme (FAO) Ms. Julia Stone speaks autolanka to the media during a seminar on the promotion of the use of statistics Agriculture Kanza in Dar es Salaam today.
Photos and 4. Stakeholders who attended a seminar on the promotion of the use of statistics Agriculture Kanza in Tanzania and following various topics were zikiwasilishwa during today's seminar autolanka in Dar es Salaam.
Kanza coordinator Agricultural Statistics Tanzania Mr. Basike Set on answering the questions autolanka of the various stakeholders who attended a seminar on the promotion of the use of statistics Agriculture Kanza country.
National Bureau of Statistics has asked policy makers, institutions, organizations, and a wide range of development partners to use Kanza (Data base) official statistics of the Food and Agriculture established autolanka in the country for the purpose of providing agricultural statistics from different places.
Speaking on behalf of the Director General of the National Bureau of Statistics at the opening of the seminar to encourage the use of this Kanza today in Dar es Salaam, Head of the Department of Administration autolanka and Human Resources, Mr. office. Gabriel Madembwe said the availability of information on the agricultural sector and food from different parts of the production in the country has been facilitated through this treasure available through the website of the National Bureau of Statistics autolanka of
He said that the data contained in Kanza will allow it to governments, policy makers and various stakeholders in the development of domestic and foreign make informed decisions when planning development programs for citizens and solve various challenges facing the agricultural sector in the country.
He said that the use of Kanza yanawarahisishia stakeholders with information on agriculture and food easily collected from various institutions and ministries responsible for the agricultural sector in the country.
He said the use Kanza previously existing conditions eliminate the difficulty of access to the data from the statistical distribution of urging autolanka all stakeholders in the industry who understand autolanka the decision-making level and use.
Defines that the data maintained in the Kanza that involve Agriculture, autolanka Fisheries, Commerce, Production and availability of food in different regions of Tanzania, adding that the work placement and animation of such data is done by the National Bureau of Statistics in collaboration of experts autolanka from the Ministry of Agriculture , Food Security and Cooperatives, Ministry of Livestock and Fisheries and the Ministry of Industry and Trade.
For his part Deputy Director of Policy autolanka and Planning, Ministry of Agriculture, Food Security and Cooperatives Mr. Oswald Luboha casting clarification about this treasure he said was founded in 2005 and inaugurated in 2012 with the aim of putting together agricultural autolanka statistics to stakeholders in the agricultural sector should be able to access them easily.
He said Tanzania is doing well by doing Census of Agriculture every five years compared with other countries in South East thus reducing the time to conduct a census of agriculture from 10 years prescribed by the World Food Programme (FAO).
And a representative of the World Food Programme (FAO) Ms. Julia Stone was speaking at a sensitization seminar said that Tanzania is doing well in ensuring that appropriate agricultural statistics are available from the existing cooperation of relevant ministries and the National Bureau of Statistics.
About the role of FAO in achieving various studies ongoing in the country has said Tanzania will continue to benefit from that among 17 African countries that either by the World Food Programme (FAO) through the institution of Bill and Melinda Gates.
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