Dona Brewery salario minimo 2013
Fair Pastel
Hops Reactionary
10 April 2013
#EstiloPdB Cultural Contest lifestyle ethylic party lifestyle awards promotion promotion in the chat bar result way of life speaks to and my noble, tranquility? We started a promotion here in PdB citing our style lifestyle, our way of life. Which incidentally salario minimo 2013 is not our only PdB, but also your style of anyone that loves and lives the essence of Bar Papo.
You voted and chose with an overwhelming difference that the best term would be the noble #EstiloPdB. I confess that at first I preferred the #PdBStyle and can play with Psy Oppa Gangnam Style and its, among other games. But I admit that now watching the term really is better, Brazilian, plus our guy Second part of the promotion
It was simple, you take a picture of you that had to do, he had to face the #EstiloPdB salario minimo 2013 and send to us. Simple as that, then we would pass for the third and last step ... Third and final part of the promotion
Then choose the 10 most fodásticas photos, which were the most #EstiloPdB itself, which had more to do with our lifestyle. With these 10 photos created an album on our Fanpage on Facebook and mark the crowd and began to vote The fierce dispute began, we had some with great voting in the beginning, salario minimo 2013 but in the end, only one won the grand prize ... and the result was ...
We received some suggestions for future promotions, future competitions, thank immensely, since this was the first Contest #EstiloPdB. We apologize for any problem occurred and we will mature over all this and closely monitor the holdings. Of course, we will improve more and more awards
#EstiloPdB Cultural Contest salario minimo 2013 PdB 10,000 likes Cultural Contest PdB 10,000 likes Result Promotion Chez Bonbon Toast drawing salario minimo 2013 results of Guinness New Promotion Results Palmeiras uniform We are all Bar Chat
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14 April 2015
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