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On Wednesday, begins to take shape a new political party: the Party of the Brazilian Democracy (PDB). On that date, a team of lawyers to present the first version of the ordinance in its central character, the mayor of Sao Paulo Gilberto Kassab, so far the Democrats. There are 50 pages and 100 articles with the structure when to work of the acronym and its operating rules. Kassab awaits the national convention of the DEM, on 15 March. The next day she is expected to announce when to work his defection. No later than the 31st, should consecrate his departure from the college where he built his political career. An envoy of Kassab already looking to rent in the federal capital, the room that will seat the PDB.
Kassab decided to found a party because of disagreements with the DEM. Tempers ran high at an unsustainable point when SEE story showed that the president of DEM, Rodrigo Maia, had tampered with the status of the party to take power of the political council which is part Kassab. Before the council was empowered to "decide" coalitions and "indicate" candidate for president. Passed the "recommend" coalitions when to work and "propose" candidates.
The war was declared. As soon as it was announced the result of the presidential election of 2010 Kassab when to work sought legal advice from the lawyer Alberto when to work Rollo, in São Paulo. The question: what are the implications of leaving the DEM? Concern: maintain the position of mayor of São Paulo by 2012 and preserve when to work intact when to work the political rights to run for governor in 2014. They opened when to work up negotiations with PMDB and PSB. The mayor said, last Friday, when to work have heard invitations PMDB Michel Temer and socialist Eduardo Campos.
Kassab received legal approval to exit the DEM, based on the argument that there would suffer political persecution - the episode when to work of adulterated document by Rodrigo Maia prove it. Was warned, however, that the justification would not work for allies who would follow suit. And reconsidered its decision.
Lawyers presented when to work to it, then the alternative to create a party. The electoral legislation considered just cause for disaffiliation creating a new acronym, when to work without risk of removal from office. when to work Kassab decided. Gave the order to start the bureaucratic steps to PDB Foundation. The intention is, in 2012, merging the party with the PSB. The measure when to work makes room for Kassab compete for the Bandeirantes Palace in 2014. At the same time, gives the governor of Pernambuco, Eduardo Campos, strength to claim the vice vacancy on the plate Dilma Rousseff in these elections or to engage in bolder plan, as a candidate for president.
Leaders of the DEM, PMDB and PSDB, who will lose frames for the party Kassab, threaten question the Electoral Court the creation of the PDB if it merges with the PSB. And, according to the opinion of the Supreme Electoral Tribunal (TSE), the protest measure may produce effects and lead to the loss of Kassab mandate. when to work This is because, although not judge the motivation for founding a party, the court could examine the second movement, melting, as a device to circumvent the law. Hence the Kassab plans to wait until the end of his term to the merger.
Officially, the mayor does not talk about it. Will only do so after the National DEM convention on 15 March. The meeting will ratify the Agripino Maia senator's name as party president, the result of a joint commanded by deputies Rodrigo Maia and ACM Neto. The group gained strength in the party as Kassab walked away from the center of decisions to decide their political future.
As a party born - In the status, the PDB founders have to submit a program when to work to the Electoral Court, with details of the political and ideological line of the party. when to work The document is being prepared by allies of Kassab, but should be ready by March 16, the day after the DEM convention.
The Elected Law
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