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Hops Reactionary
10 April 2013
#EstiloPdB #PdBStyle Cultural Contest contests lifestyle lifestyle promotions living life balmy Hello, noble readers! Our team was very excited to move the mark of 10,000 fans on our Facebook page and the Bar Owner ~ ~ was CRAZY! We would like to thank everyone, but do not want to do this only with beautiful words! No! We are legal and we will bring some news for you!
Today we breathe PdB, live PdB and came to the conclusion that PdB is not just an ethyl entertainment portal, but a lifestyle! When saw we were already merrjep living that style. We are Modafocas and imagine that you who read and follow our posts, may also have something in common with us!
Of course we can not forget merrjep the responsibilities and never disrespect anyone, but always live with joy! Make friends, wherever you are, talk, dance and giggle with friends until morning. Drinking and eating good and better (than you can have money and time ...) but without exaggeration, because tomorrow there's more! And record all these moments to continue merrjep laughing merrjep the next day, trying to make it even better! Cultural Contest #PdBStyle or #EstiloPdB
We'll cultural contest to promote this style that governs our lives! It is made in two parts. The first will be a poll to choose the name: #PdBStyle or #EstiloPdB. The more votes we have in the poll, the better the final award! So share the poll, so that the prize is the best!
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