Monday, May 4, 2015

According to p. Rimkienės, promotional services VAT returns, those services had to be sold to suppl

After the STI check on pay 95,000 EUR VAT - VZ.LT
VILIBOR 6 0.00%
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Klaipeda State Tax Inspectorate Division explained the case where the wholesale trade in meat products company engaged in their own funds financed the butchers advertising products in major supermarkets. After the desk checks to increase the company's taxable income and in addition has declared about 95,000 EUR VAT had to pay interest on arrears.
Related essays Bradauskas appointed Head of the STI STI reminds report accounts abroad STI starts PIT return overpayments STI manager became Bradauskas STI check 200 wealthy individuals assessing portaportese the company cast doubt on the validity of the VAT deduction, why logistics services which provided the company took advantage of a tax deduction for the purchase of advertising services portaportese and a refund of VAT from the budget, although there was no advertising across mention of the same company or its activities.
"Wholesaler paid for the famous meat producers, portaportese some of which are held by the himself, special promotional displays on shelves, advertising portaportese brochures and posters, tasting and so on. It was found that as early as 2014. With the beginning of EUR 120,000 accrued advertising services, over the years this amount to grow nearly four times, "- says Returns Rimkienė Klaipeda lights Control Department Director.
According to p. Rimkienės, promotional services VAT returns, those services had to be sold to suppliers of goods and timely declaration of VAT. VAT invoices for services meat producers company will not issue, although the agreement was: she was committed to a trading venue to organize various production and delivery of the shares in other ways to promote brands, and manufacturers - to pay for services. VAT invoices manufacturers it has issued and paid taxes only to the tax authorities started an inspection.
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1) call forcibly change the constitutional order of the Republic of Lithuania; 2) promote encroach upon the sovereignty of the Republic portaportese of Lithuania, its territorial integrity, political independence; 3) war or incite hatred, ridicule, scorn, incite discrimination, violence, physical violence with a group of people or a person belonging to age, gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity, race, nationality, language, origin, social status, religion , belief, opinion or religion; portaportese 4) distribute, promote or advertise pornography, as well as to promote portaportese and (or) advertise sexual services, sexual perversion; 5) the promotion and (or) promote addiction and narcotic or psychotropic substances. Any reproduction of information and disinformation, libelous, defamatory degrading the honor and dignity. It shall be prohibited to spread information that violates the presumption of innocence, which prevent the impartiality of the judiciary. portaportese
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