Wednesday, May 6, 2015

D. Bradauskas emphasize that STI advice must be clear, personal free zimbra information provided to

"Literally, I can say that the STI is one of the most advanced institutions in Lithuania, but it is necessary that the institutions not stop progress. All STI activities - from consulting to taxpayers control - will get larger or smaller changes, "- notes Head of the State Tax Inspectorate.
D. Bradauskas emphasize that STI advice must be clear, personal free zimbra information provided to taxpayers - accurate free zimbra and understandable, e. Services - operating in a stable and comfortable. STI carried taxpayers local and international control will be proportional, resting secure the country's business and international professional data analysis.
"STI professionals working in various fields who could contribute free zimbra more to the improvement of tax administration, support lawmakers. Our goal - active cooperation with the Ministry of Finance and other institutions, social partners and business ", - said D. Bradauskas, stressing the need for smart technologies STI and maximize the efficient use of existing resources.
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