Thursday, May 28, 2015

nikitin2014 2/2/15, 11:24 pm

Sheet to prezidentіv Ukraine Panovo Presidente Je up to you Rozmova income tax efiling of Bo have not Chuli od you true words of I Mauger nіkoli I would not pochinav її vіdverto That will tell you - the reason in vіynі The yak vie Qiu kraїnu OAO All at once plunged the I do not Bulo dwellers її vie nіchogo not zrobili Nevzhe for stіlki rokіv vie dostatno not amassed dwellers income tax efiling zaroblyati income tax efiling groshі kopayuchi mogili Panovo Presidente Je to supply you wi Chomu OAO All live in yak golubtsі income tax efiling smetanі Todі if OAO All people skidayutsya soldiers Kopіykami, yakі vie shte they do not vstigli vіdіbrati Chomu ve not send at vіynu svoїh sinіv Nі vnukіv, nі plemіnnikіv, themselves do not see you there to die idea alien kidaєte cholovіkіv Skazhіt Meni, nevzhe tse viglyadaє fair Chomu coolly vie zlivaєte kraїnu? Of I have krovі svoїy vie Vlasna drown Dytyna Skazhіt, whether weasel, OOO All cpm people tsіy kraїnі vinnі Skazhіt tsіnu for skіlki ve sold Ukraine! I want you to pobazhati Panov Presidente Vіdchuti all our bіl on sobі Perche nіzh pomerti A vsіm naschadkam income tax efiling your - I want tіlki evil Jake vie OAO All time rokami gotuvali income tax efiling us! (C) Kuzma Skryabin h ttps: // krjabin-pogib-v-dtp /
Re: I think it was an accident and of course speed - edwina280397 Expand
nikitin2014 2/2/15, 11:24 pm
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User hamradio2 referred to your record in its records "Thousands of words of sorrow ... Ukrainians commemorated Kuzma Scriabin" in the context of [...] Original taken from thousands of words in sorrow ... The Ukrainians commemorated Kuzma Scriabin income tax efiling [...]
User coralloel referred to your record in its records "Thousands of words of sorrow ... Ukrainians commemorated Kuzma Scriabin" in the context of [...] Original taken from thousands of words in sorrow ... The Ukrainians commemorated Kuzma Scriabin [...]
In the fall of 2013, Ukrainians took to the Maidan to kick his forelock oligarchs. As a result, seven of the Ukrainian oligarchs became governor, the president of Ukraine has become an oligarch income tax efiling Poroshenko. Ordinary citizens have received "reward" in the form of free access into the mobile crematoria that the new Ukrainian income tax efiling government has delivered income tax efiling to the zone punitive operation in the Donbas. Edited at 2015-02-03 12:30 am (UTC)
(No subject) income tax efiling - vladimirus_vvs Expand
(No subject) - timur_nechaev77 Expand
Re: That's right. - Mechta_tel_1 Expand
Ukrainian musician Scriabin thanks for ultras action in Odessa: "Bravo, boys!" Kiev, May 03 (Navigator, Mikhail Ryabov) - Ukrainian TV presenter and musician Kuzma Scriabin (real name Andrew Kuzmenko) expressed support for the actions of Ukrainian football fans that May 2 The house was set on fire during the clashes of trade unions, which were burned alive by a few dozen people - pro-Russian activists. "Football fans - stronger, wiser and more patriotic power. Bravo Guys !!! Everything is now in place, "- Scriabin wrote on the page in facebook. The musician income tax efiling also said that he supports the closure of the border with Russia. "Close the border rushes, slop bucket, a freak. How can I let people in Ukraine, 85 percent of whom did not consider us a nation. Let them fly through China, bitch, let go through Baikal, through Alaska, but not by my country. They have no place here, as well as the power that lets them here, "- he writes.
he is now in place.
Recall Andrei Kuzmenko, Ukrainian singer, writer, broadcaster, producer and actor. Born August 17, 1968, in the town of Sambor, income tax efiling Lviv region. The group leader income tax efiling "Skryabin" income tax efiling and the project "Singing cowards" Referring informed "PolitNavigator" Kuzma Skryabin expressed support for the actions of Ukrainian football fans that on May 2 in clashes burned House of Trade Unions, where pro-Russian activists were burnt alive. "Football fans - stronger, wiser and more patriotic power. Bravo Guys !!! Everything is now in place, "- then wrote Scriabin on the page in facebook.
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Talent. Outwardly, women like accurately. But ... After his cheering on the events income tax efiling of May 2 in Odessa ... I'd better keep quiet. Edited at 2015-02-03 05:36 am (UTC)
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