Sunday, May 10, 2015

Invoicing subsystem (i.SAF); Waybills subsystem (i.VAZ); Analysis, modeling and risk management onl

STI will develop smart tax administration system - VZ.LT
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State Tax Inspectorate (STI) will develop smart tax administration system i.MAS. By 2016. October will be to develop and implement 3 of 7 i.MAS subsystems: invoices (i.SAF), waybills (i.VAZ), analysis, modeling and risk management center (i.MAMC).
Related essays "STI submit declarations offer smart phones The new head of the State Tax Inspectorate - in a couple of weeks "and STI, Sodra experts combined their forces Notes for STI screening can provide a higher instance" First of all, the STI will begin to develop and deploy i.SAF and i.VAZ subsystems, which will be introduced in the adoption and best Estonian tax administration practices to reduce unaccounted transactions and reducing the extent of fictitious transactions. We believe that this will reduce the non-payment of value added tax, "- notes STI temporary governor Dainoras Bradauskas.
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STI notes that i.MAS concept online calculator i.MAS project and a feasibility study has already been delivered Investor Forum, the Lithuanian Confederation of Industrialists, Lithuanian Business Confederation of Lithuanian Trade Enterprises Association, Lithuanian Business Employers' Confederation, cash registers online calculator manufacturers, importers and service enterprises association, as well as the Ministry of Economy, the Ministry of Interior and the Information Society Development online calculator Committee under the Ministry of Transport and Communications online calculator of the Republic of Lithuania.
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