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Television channel "Inter" nachynaet bespretsedentnuyu shares, posvyaschennuyu Great Patriotic War. Rasskazhyte his History of volume, How The Great Patriotic War kosnulas souq life your family on a site - samыe Amazing souq history channel "Inter" povedaet telezryteley Million in Several znakovыh televyzyonnыh special projects, pryurochennыh Day of victory for 9 May.
68 years passed with the day, when othremely Recent vzrыvы Great Patriotic. Эta War was neotъemlemoy chastyu life and history kazhdogo IZ us. There is no such family, souq kotoruyu souq bы not obozhhla War - Our ottsы, dedы, pradedы voevaly Council souq and pohybaly victory. In tribute to the memory bessmertnomu s heroyzmu and exploit channel "Inter" conduct spetsyalnuyu Stocks: souq We sobyraem rasskazы zryteley at our events, svyazannыh with voynoy, kotorыe proyzoshly neposredstvenno in s family, or was once bыly uslыshanы from others people. This mogut bыt history related voynoy, but proyzoshedshye in poslevoennoe time. This mogut bыt rasskazы of volume, souq How War povlyyala life to your family.
Samыe Amazing history and trohatelnыe WILL BE yspolzovanы in the concert-performance "Pobeda. One for vseh" Shooting kotorogo proydut 23 April vo Dvorce "Ukraine", and will be shown kotorыy 9 May on television "Inter". At two rasskazhet program "Morning with Inter" souq in svoyh of special sections, posvyaschennыh Day victory. A part ystoryy prozvuchyt a specially efire project "Inter" - "Marathon nashej of victory" - will be kotorыy Exit LIVE TV channel efire utrom 9 May, as well as a news issue.
Write us a history of war. Rasskazhyte, than bыla эta Pobeda souq for you and your family. Podelytes memories svoyh relatives and znakomыh. Load can also Vы photo, audio and video materials of the Great Patriotic War.
This poem I dedicate my grandfather and uncle who died in the war. When there was war in the country (we should remember it) you fought for every house, and you fought souq hard. Germans have beaten many parents and grandparents mothers, sisters, brothers and loved ones, friends souq and unknown, many died from wounds to the ad and terrible war as if sleep were the days. ... Today, I want to mention his grandfather and uncle are called to war, my grandmother threw odnu.Ni not one but my father, he was only eleven when the war started and how evil she was carrying. ... And rightly so about three years for them ... pohoronku brought my grandfather died first. For him, God let him pray quietly resting woe second coming, it is already souq knocking at the door, and asked for by the house. From '45-spring. The troops storming Soviet Reystah raised our flag, my uncle also running fires in the moment he does not know what is only a moment, and just lays it on the ground. Seriously wounded in the chest, souq but it help people! Do not let you die, do not give into the hands of death! Neither death was the propitiation souq she quietly approached, clenched fist in the heart, it does not vidibrat! Do not raise no lift, is the second news rushes into the house ... and the tears of a mother again lyutsya sad words torn from the soul. I could not live one day, he zakinchynnya war, someone returned the children of someone's souq parents, one's brothers and our-died in the war! If at that moment he disappeared somewhere, or at the moment has not risen to the balloon flew near, and his heart did not reserve to live up to the ninth and he was glad to Victory! And was not to return, my mother quietly snuggle kiss her on the cheek and gently to see eye. Rightly so, he wanted souq to marry, bear children grandchildren, love, dream, suffer, build their hut. And not destined to live bratska tomb-eternal darkness. Away somewhere in a foreign country, in an unknown party in a foreign land, the most samenkyy, we love you ridnenkyy! We always remember you gave your life to now we have happily lived and taught children kindness ... Cursed German did not ask how my mother took away his son, -Navischo I bear it? -For Whom I had brought up? Do I want you to kill my child ridnesenku? Take me, let me die, and my son's turn, and his heart-quicken! ... I proklenayu that war! Hitler and his Germans, who followed him like sheep, killed, slaughtered, burned. You still are all experienced, won perestrazhdaly, defended his country after the war, rebuilt! ... Back in the present, God forbid we also inspiration, be persistent as they are sold all over the country, factories, field everything goes on under the hammer. And our lovely deputies show their credentials, talk about integrity, and lie to us on TV about svoiy deeds and plans, doing only his advertising! What
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